Monday, January 28, 2013

Celebrating five years (Patayear 139, vulg. 2012)

   When we formed the Brewton Foundation in February 2008, we knew of only 20 surviving artworks by James Brewton (1930-1967). With the encouragement of a curator (our 'patron saint'), we started to hunt for more. During the last five years we've interviewed scores of people and located more than 100 Brewton works. We are ready to show!

   A few highlights from 2012:

Exhibition ~~ For the first time in 41 years, Jim's work was in a show. His Portrait of Edgar Allan Poe (c. 1959), was in "Haunting Narratives: Detours from Philadelphia Realism, 1935 to the Present" at the Woodmere Art Museum, May 12 through July 15.

Press ~~ The show at the Woodmere garnered some notice for Jim's painting:

   Brady, Shaun: "New Exhibit Explores Our 'Haunting Narratives'," (with photo of Brewton's portrait of Edgar Allan Poe) Metro Philadelphia, May 15, 2012; and

   "Realism in a Minor Key," American Artist magazine, October 2012 (with photo of Brewton's portrait of Edgar Allan Poe) "tinged with a touch more than the typical darkness."

Back-of-house ~~ We're moving the Brewton Foundation to Pennsylvania, because the location is more relevant to Jim's life and work. The Florida nonprofit will not be dissolved until the new company is up and running, so we maintain our 501(c)(3) status.

    We're so grateful to all who have given us funding, artwork, information, expert advice and their time. In 2012, we received a very generous donation from a benefactor who prefers to remain anonymous. We're using the funds to move the nonprofit (fees to the Commonwealth of PA, required advertising, fees to the IRS); to have a film reel of a 1971 exhibition transferred to DVD; to publish on the web; and more projects to be revealed.

To all of you who help us: Thank you. We appreciate you!